The wine society from Gosier Sec
The name G.O.S.I.E.R. S.E.C. stands for “Group of Social, Intellectual, Educational, Recreational, Sports and Cultural Organisations”
Created in 1961, the first chapter took place on 2 February 1962.
It has the particularity of singing texts typical of the wine society and of being turned exclusively towards the promotion of Beaujolais and Beaujolais-Villages, very fruity, warm and festive wines of great quality.
Every year, on the first Saturday of February, during the Saint-Vincent celebrations, it organises its grand chapter in Vaux-en-Beaujolais, also known as Clochemerle. During the year, the wine society receives individuals and groups at the Clochemerle cellar to make amifications and become friends of the Confrérie.
During the “primeurs” weekend, the G.O.S.I.E.R. S.E.C. travels to the winegrowers and cellars to celebrate the Beaujolais-Villages New.
It also travels in France and abroad to promote Beaujolais-Villages.

Created in 1961, the first chapter took place on 2 February 1962.
It has the particularity of singing texts typical of the wine society and of being turned exclusively towards the promotion of Beaujolais and Beaujolais-Villages, very fruity, warm and festive wines of great quality.
Every year, on the first Saturday of February, during the Saint-Vincent celebrations, it organises its grand chapter in Vaux-en-Beaujolais, also known as Clochemerle. During the year, the wine society receives individuals and groups at the Clochemerle cellar to make amifications and become friends of the Confrérie.
During the “primeurs” weekend, the G.O.S.I.E.R. S.E.C. travels to the winegrowers and cellars to celebrate the Beaujolais-Villages New.
It also travels in France and abroad to promote Beaujolais-Villages.

It is one of the rare wine society of the Beaujolais to be composed of sisters and brothers.
The sisters and brothers wear the old livery of the master-winegrowers, their Sunday dress: skirt or trousers of coutil, clogs, white shirt, black apron and a boater for the brothers.
In addition to the green scarf, the colour of the Beaujolais region, the yellow cord of the boater evokes the colour of Clochemerle.
The wine society is composed of a board that changes according to the arrivals and the participants. All the members are put on the same level which creates a great cohesion.
20 €
Reception at the Clochemerle cellar
40 €
Amification at the cellar